Tuesday, January 6, 2009

For Sale - LVC 501XX 1944 WWII P&W (rare and limited)


LVC 501XX 1944 WWII P&W
(rare and limited)

Size: W34 L36
Actual: W34 L32 (great size!)

LVC 501XX 1944 WWII special/unique characteristic:
  • Hand painted arctuate
  • Plain donut button fly, laurel wreath button on waist
  • Factory distressed wash, torn and hand painted "P" "W" lettering on both knee
Red tab Big E, selvage
No. 555 on back button

Made in U.S.A.

Condition: in mint/excellent condition.. worn and washed (dry cleaned) once

Price is RM1,700 (neg.) termasuk postage to anywhere in Peninsular Malaysia

Kall/SMS/E-mail kalau berminat..

Syah +60.17.473.2526 szamanta@gmail.com


Masz said...

hang mmg jeans addicted btol...

ZAMAN, King said...

hahaha.. jeans addicted OK la.. jgn drug addicted sudaaaa...